
28-year old European that lives in the beautiful city of Chicago. I love to travel, spend time with family and friends, explore, plan things out and just have a great time. This blog stems from a sudden idea that followed a few weeks after I reached my personal breaking point and realized I need to change things in my life to make a positive impact on it.

The idea is to take the 365 days I have in 2017 and actually make it my year! I am planning on changing all the aspects in my life I am unhappy with or that don’t bring me joy. This includes a variety of areas/ topics and thus my blog is also talking about all these aspects rather than focusing on one particular thing.

Nowadays, young professionals all over the world struggle with the same issues and questions and I am no exception. Hence, I decided to start writing about those things to not only create a tool of accountability for myself but to hopefully find people along the way that are on the same journey.

The closer I get to 30 the more I feel I want to be at peace with myself and get to know myself better so I can actually focus on the things that bring me joy rather than those which are meaningless or negative!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you will join me on my journey through 2017!